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Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|

 What about Fashion  |Fashion Industry latest updates|



Fashion may be a term which suggests an continuing development fashion isn't inadequate to hidden style but it comprises footwear lifestyle fittings makeup hairstyle and clothing fashions are prejudiced by Fashion |Fashion Industry updates colorful advertisements popular films fashion illustrations articles within the fashion magazines tv programs and overseas visitors fashion does indeed rule the planet while it's an honest thing to be fashion sensible.

We should always decide sensibly whether it fits us and therefore the reform the place we sleep in our cultural fashion has also involved lot of care and getting one certainty within the fashion world is modification fashion may be a business expensive dresses are often cast-off only because the style has gave up the ghost the women are two steps fast than boys within the stuff of fashion today the most important centers of the newest Fashion |Fashion Industry updates within the world are world of


Hollywood and in India Mumbai Delhi Chandigarh Shimla etc became centers of haute couture students generally attempt to copy fashions from films the change in fashion takes place in no time fashion knows no borders some students spend tons of cash and dedicate considerable time on their makeup they negligence their studies now people are very particular about their dress hairstyle cosmetics shoes ornaments Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| and behaviors westernized dressing style isn't a nasty thing but it must be dressed change vicissitudes the law of nature then desirable and 

appreciable but it doesn't mean slavish and foolish imitation of ideas styles and styles in dress shoes and hairstyles etc however more than everything is bad and will be avoided moderation should be the long infection also today advertisements popular films foreign if you wish our video please share and subscribe our channel many thanks ladies and gentlemen let's mention Adam and Eve now for the heathens within the crowd today Adam and Eve may be a story from the Bible and it's about the primary citizenry who are created by God and that they lived naked within the Garden of Eden the 


Garden of Eden was gorgeous there Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| was this luscious place and these two had to satisfy only one condition to measure there don't eat a fruit from the forbidden tree it sounds very easy right the tree literally has the word forbidden in its name apparently it wasn't because one day Adam and Eve plan to eat an apple from the tree and the moment they take a bite they realize they're naked and that they feel really embarrassed in order that they frolic the garden trying to seek out leaves to hide themselves up am I skipping some parts of that story definitely Fashion |Fashion Industry 

Fashion Industry Updates: 

updates| but I summarized the parts that to me demonstrate the elemental way most folks see clothing it exists for one purpose and that is to cover our bodies our society looks at clothes hair shoes makeup accessories collectively what i will be able to call fashion during a very practical and utilitarian way folks today i would like to point out you why that's wrong i would like to speak about the facility of fashion and the ability it's to rework our lives Fashion |Fashion Industry updates but Before we jump into all of that juicy stuff who is that this person that's getting to stand here for subsequent 20 minutes and tell you all that you simply dress really badly well just in case you've already forgotten my name is Maria I'm a student a researcher and author a bunch of other cool stuff i feel for a 20 year old I even have a reasonably good resume I'm proud of our man Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| but trust me once I say that that resume just wont to be a blank page i would like to require you back in time to 


about three years ago and that i asked you to imagine scared 17-year old high school student who's close to start a journey at Canada's favorite post-secondary institution she was also close to survive residence so she was kissing goodbye to her mum's home-cooked meals and her dad killing any insects within the house she was basically looking down Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| a very dark tunnel and every one she could see was hours spent at the library microwaved bowls of old pasta and cowering in fear because the spiders had colonized her bedroom i used to be that 17 year old and you thought I looked bad now right surprise but within the middle of all of this alteration I had to simplify a minimum 

of one aspect of my life so I picked my wardrobe I came up with a private uniform of sweatshirts and thin jeans I could eaten them sleep in them and study. Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| in them which are the only things that really matter to a student right at this point in my life all I was thinking about was productivity I had come into university with all these dreams and goals that I was trying to achieve so all my energy went towards that this focus on productivity is such a strong message in our culture and fashion is just one of the ways that it's Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| reinforced some of our most idolized and iconic figures are famous for the fact that they have uniforms take 


for example he wears the exact same gravy t-shirt every day now when he was asked about that in an interview he said and I quote I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spent any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  life so that way I can dedicate all of my energy towards just building the best products and services alright so his wardrobe suffered so that you and I could have a platform to share cat videos on and he's not the only one right Steve Jobs also 

Fashion Styles :

comes to mind black turtleneck dad jeans white sneakers I mean people are iconic they're so respected in our society and Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| this was their opinion on the clothes we put on our backs naturally I felt the same way I had a budding interest in fashion but I thought at the very least I had to wait till I've achieved something really significant with my life before spending time on things like that you know maybe once I'd created the next big tech company pineapple or space book then I could start devoting time to my outfits unfortunately I was nowhere near starting the next pineapple I was in my Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  first year at university and when you're at university you realize that you're a guppy in a shark tank everyone sitting in these lecture halls has actually already 


started their own tech company or invented a water purifier that cost five cents or interned at NASA when they were three years old I hadn't done anything remotely close to that impressive I mean I'd been on my high school's lacrosse team for a week but one day the ball came flying towards my face nearly broke my nose so I dropped out I like my nose suddenly I'm sitting there and I'm questioning everything myself my abilities my goals my ambitions I'm really wondering will I ever achieve those Fashion 

|Fashion Industry updates|  big dreams I had I'm sure most of the students in this room today completely understand where I'm coming from the modern undergraduate is expected to have everything grades work experience volunteering extra-curricular clubs and a fantastic social life I am not the only one who was wearing myself out trying to have it all we're expected to be extremely productive and yet we're also expected to be extremely happy and you know what folks that makes complete sense this day and age is statistically speaking the best time ever to be alive we have longer Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  lifespans the mortality rates easy access to food shelter education we should all be so 


Romance Mood of Fashion Style :

incredibly grateful for the gift of being alive in the 21st century but there's a catch right all those perks of the modern age are pretty much offset by that constant pressure to be productive what good is a longer lifespan when you're spending most of that time working we tend to forget that being happy requires work - now I was so stressed trying to be this productive student that Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| I decided enough is enough I need to shift some of this work towards being happy and how did I do that well I looked at that budding interest that I had in fashion and I decided to nurture it I went into my closet and I dug out all those clothes that I was saving for special occasions and I just started wearing them to lectures or to work I stopped spending all my money on skinny jeans and hoodies and I said Maria try something interesting something different it got to the point where I was having so much



fun dressing up that many Monday mornings when the Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| last thing I wanted to do was crawl out of bed for eight am calculus I forced myself to I had a duty to show the good people of Toronto the fantastic outfit I had planned for the day now every night I'd stand in front of my wardrobe deciding what to wear and I'd ask myself would I be happy if a future employer or a future boyfriend saw me in this outfit and not at the same time folks one or the other I'm not that kind of person you don't have to worry but that idea that Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  sentiment it's based in something we all intimately know we all know that the way you dress influences how other people perceive you it's the reason why your mum's ironing that white shirt before your first proper job 

interview aware up at midnight texting your friends 15 different outfit options before your first date with that smoking hottie from the library we're trying to project confidence skill weight intelligence all these wonderful and amazing aspects of our personality all I did was adopt that into my daily Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  life why should I just project these amazing things at job interviews and first dates why not project it every single day what do I have to lose but there's something we rarely ever focus on and that's how the clothes influence how we see ourselves I noticed something that was happening around the same time as this newfound passion for fashion I was walking with a bit more 


bounce in my step I was more confident going outside of my comfort zone I felt like the imposter syndrome that had gripped me since my very Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  first day at university was decreasing little by little the thing I attributed this change to was my newfound interest in fashion I noticed that taking a few minutes to craft a good outfit made me feel prepared to take on the day and any problems that would help have I felt like my clothes were helping me be my best self now the last thing I want to do is assume that a correlation equals causation and folks right now I'm just a girl standing in front of the crowd asking it to believe me based on a personal anecdote so I went out to try 

Stylish Fashion updates :

and find a study that would support Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  everything that I was thinking and guess what I did find a study now this paper was published in 2012 by dr. Adam and dr. Gilinsky in the Journal of experimental social psychology one day these professors see a white lab coat and they think hmm white lab coats are typically worn by doctors and scientists and generally people who are very careful and pay a lot of attention to detail so they conducted a study and they confirmed that yes the majority of the population associates white lab coats with traits like carefulness and attention this finding led them to wonder would wearing a lab coat make a person take on those trait for themselves so would it lead to increased attentional abilities to test this idea they got a bunch of undergraduate 

students and they divided them up into three groups group one was given a white lab coat to wear and they were told Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  that it's a painter's coat group two was given the exact same white lab coat to wear but they're told it's a doctor's coat and group three they're also given the exact same white lab coat they're also told it's a doctor's coat but they weren't allowed to put it on it simply lay on a table next to them next all three groups were given two images that were identical except for some tiny differences now when they were asked to write down those differences group two wearing the lab coat they believed was a doctor's found the most reflecting better attention they also found Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  that when people are wearing a doctor's lab coat they make 


half the number of mistakes in an attention task compared to people not wearing a lab coat at all so the crucial finding of the study is that the effect of a lab coat depends on two factors first it depends on what the coat symbolizes Group one who is wearing a painter's coat didn't show any changes presumably because we don't associate painting with traits like carefulness and attention and second you have to physically wear the lab coat to see any improvement group three that saw a doctors lab coat but didn't actually put it on showed no change the name for this effect is the theory of enclosed cognition which describes the effects that clothes have on the wearer's psychological processes they had found that when people were a lab coat associated with the traits of carefulness and attention to Fashion 

|Fashion Industry updates| detail they showed increased attentional abilities themselves what a thought-provoking study right pretty interesting but the question is how relevant is that to you and me the last time a student walked around every day in a lab coat he was pretending to be a doctor and he ended up in jail you should google it was a really weird story but what the study got me thinking Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| was we all have our own personal lab codes we all have things that when we put them on we feel invincible now maybe it's a color that makes you feel like you stand out from the crowd perhaps it's a style of clothing that makes you feel really professional and put together you could even be inspired by how your idols dress whatever it is we all have our own personal lab codes that we associate with important traits and they have the potential to help us feel like our best selves now when



I looked at my experience from this perspective I could immediately understand why I was feeling the way I was and I could see my personal lab codes so I'd like to share them with you today lab code number one crazy trousers I'm talking cuts colors Flair's prints anything Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| and everything I'm wearing them today I love them now this might surprise some of you but I am a serious introvert I'm the definition of an introvert and trust me when I say that's not really very helpful when you're a measly student trying to get their grubby little hands on any job opportunity that they can get crazy trousers are the opposite of introvert they're loud they're flashy they're confident I had to be bold when I wore them and that boldness helped me seize a lot of opportunities that otherwise might have just passed me by lab coat number two are my round glasses for some reason round glasses 

Men Fashion Style :

are really common in academia I feel like we've all had that professor that came in the first day of the semester round glasses turtleneck suit papers under their arm and you just knew wow this person is really smart well that happened to me because eventually Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| I began to associate these glasses with everything I wanted to one day this wise intellectual scholar who's he go to in their field think Dumbledore now I stumbled across these one day I decided to try them on and the moment I did folks I felt smart I felt intellectual I was channeling all these traits that I admired greatly my final personal lab coat thick eyebrows now thick eyebrows have become really trendy recently but to me they're a symbol of my heritage women from my racial background always had lots of hair and bushy eyebrows but even before it was cool so I like Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  to wear my 


brows bold and unruly wild and untamed because those are all traits I think a woman of color needs to thrive in our society and there you have it those are my personal lab coats now to some of you the crazy trousers are just that crazy and to others the round glasses were less Dumbledore and more Harry Potter but guess what none of that matters what's important is that these items have significance to me they embody traits that I value and when Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  I put them on I feel myself taking on those traits now it might have started out as superficial but that change became deep and meaningful no longer am i that timid 17-year old who was afraid of trying hard and failing I became confident and fearless well on my way to achieving those big dreams a journey to find happiness ironically ended up fuelling my productivity and driving me towards success that was really motivational right really inspirational I bet each and every one of you wants to run out now and find 

your own personal lab coats and if you don't may I ask what's wrong with you I've just stood here and told you how amazing they are but finding a Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  personal lab coat isn't always going to be easy you might need to do some trial and error the thing about trial and error is that might require money and that's not something a lot of undergraduate students really have so the conclusion to my talk today is that if you don't have money I'm afraid you can't have a personal lab coat I'm kidding you obviously got that of course it's still possible and to prove it I set myself a challenge I did a bit more research and I found out that the Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| average Canadian whoops the average Canadian spends I've given away my challenge the average Canadian spends three thousand three hundred and seventy four dollars a year on clothing which translates to nine dollars a 

day now my challenge was to create a complete head-to-toe outfit based on one week's worth of that budget so to do the math that's 63 Canadian dollars now this is the outfit that I came up with on that budget it's a simple dress but with this wild jacket and flame printed boots it's pretty amazing right but I'm sure most of you are thinking what I thought 63 dollars for one outfit folks that's the cost of 12 Big Macs so I went ahead and made Fashion |Fashion Industry updates| 12 more outfits with the three things I bought but using clothes I already owned now the first six these are the simple ones they made with things we already own like white t-shirts black jeans denim the second set these are the flamboyant ones you can see the crazy trousers round glasses a bunch of other funky stuff and these twelve that'

Romance and Fashion Style :

just the tip of the iceberg there are tons more outfits I could have put up that today even just by mixing and matching what's on the screen the point is you don't have to go broke to have a personal lab coat you don't even have to buy anything the value in a personal lab coat is the meaning behind the clothing it's not what you wear but why you wear it each and every one of us can dress with purpose dress with meaning dress with intention folks I'm standing here I'm looking out and I see a really amazing group of people I the next Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  inventor of Facebook I see the next author of the Harry Potter series I even see the person that's going to invent a burger that tastes better than the Big Mac but now that I'm standing here thinking about that I don't think it's going to be too hard to do what 


I see is an incredible group of people and you will achieve incredible things but standing in your way is your Fashion |Fashion Industry updates|  own doubt you will often feel like you cannot do it you will need every single tool you can get to help you achieve your goals why is fashion not one of them there's a really common idea that dressing well is just for special occasions but to that all I can say is that life is an occasion and every day can be meaningful if you just dress like it I want to thank you for listening to me today and if I bored your pants off please feel free to try on some new ones preferably flared and bright yellow.

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